Monday, October 14, 2013

Speedy Ortiz - Cop Kicker EP and Death of Speedy Ortiz

Speedy Ortiz is fucking good. Pitchfork says it, Allston Pudding says it, The New York Times say it, and I think it, so if you disagree with me you're probably some little shit writing in's comment section.

Although now "Ka-Prow!" and "Hexxy" groove with cleaner sounds via Inflated Records, you might be surprised to find out that the somewhat-Connecticut-turned-Massachusetts prodigal sons and daughters of Speedy Ortiz wrote those very songs a long, long time ago in 2011.

"Ka-Prow!" actually was off of the Cop Kicker EP, a short four song beauty that has a slightly spacier, lo-fi version of said song that is complimented by three other heart breakers. Even though I do have a personal connection to "Doomsday," "Teething" echos with these la-la-la's line after catchy line and it's really the best song. I believe Sadie produced this herself, every instrument.

Alongside the trusty Cop Kicker is The Death of Speedy Ortiz, an incredibly overlooked piece of work that contains the original version of "Hexxy," (which in this case was called "Hexxy Sadie") which is pretty much the same without the 'speedy' build up. Despite the heavy favorite that is the spite-filled "Thank You," the other songs take on a sort of dark turn. "Blondie" is just plain creepy while "Frankenweenie" drives that depressing, blue aura that made me love this band in the first place. Oh yeah, and Sadie did it by herself again, every instrument.

I first met Sadie in 2011 on the internet. I told her we'd probably be good friends and we've been best friends to this day. Feel free to check out her band and tell them they're the best like I did that day.

Death of Speedy Ortiz

Cop Kicker EP